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10 Benefits of Eyebrow Microblading

Unless you have naturally perfect eyebrows (they’re like unicorns, they don’t exist) and you conform to western standards of beauty, you have probably had to do some work to your eyebrows at some point.

A routine visit to the salon for an eyebrow wax probably sets you back a few hundred dollars every year, not to mention the discomfort and pain you feel every time and the considerable time investment on going to the salon ever couple of weeks.

Most women are guilty of overplucking their eyebrows at a certain point in their lives, most commonly, during our dreadful teenage years. All that plucking can drastically alter the eyebrow’s natural shape and thickness, which over time, leaves many tweezer-enthusiasts with lines instead of brows – the sad, sad tale of Mona Lisa eyebrows.

Some women try to fix this by filling in their brows with expensive products, which is fine if you know what you’re doing. If you don’t, you’re likely to end up drawing some very horrific lines instead of eyebrows. Yeah, we’ve all seen those around.

Is microblading for you? Read on to find out the 10 best benefits of getting eyebrow microblading.

Bottom line is if you’re tired of any of the aforementioned cases, you’re probably a good candidate for microblading, a semi-permanent form of eyebrow tattoo that will shape and fill your eyebrows and look so natural it is almost undetectable.

Here are some of the many advantages of getting microblading.

1. It will save you time

How many mornings have you woken up after snoozing your alarm more than three times only to realize you’re now running more than 30 minutes late for work? But wait! You can’t leave just yet, you don’t have your makeup on!

For many women, this is a daily routine — spending 15 minutes every morning filling in your eyebrows, doing your eyeliner, etc. Depending of your beauty needs, there are some of these steps you are not willing to skip. If you have notoriously thin eyebrows and you’re used to filling them in every morning, you’ll be glad to know that Microblading will allow you to skip that part of your morning routine. You’ll be able to sleep an extra 15 minutes every day because you won’t have to fill in your eyebrows anymore.

2. It will save you money

Do the math! How much are you spending on eyebrow filling products every year? Brushes? Fixers? It adds up, doesn’t it? We’ve discussed here on the blog that microblading is an investment. Why? Because while it may not be cheap upfront, it will last up to about 3 years (if you’re looking for a longer lasting procedure, consider permanent makeup). You’ll get back all that money you’re spending on makeup and as an extra return on investment, you’ll also save loads of time.

3. You’ll have an eyebrow blueprint

If, unlike our friend Mona Lisa, you have rather bushy eyebrows, you’re still a great candidate for microblading because you’ll now have a perfectly customized blueprint to follow. No longer will you come out of the salon looking like a different person every time because a different technician waxed your eyebrows. Next time, they’ll just follow the beautiful, natural blueprint on your brow area and you’ll always look fabulous.

4. Hello new natural eyebrows!

If, unlike the previous case, you are a Mona Lisa, you might be the one to get the most out of microblading, especially if you have suffered hair loss as a consequence of chemotherapy or allopecia. Microblading is meant to look extremely natural, giving those with thin and sparse eyebrows, a natural and strong frame to their faces for the first time in their lives. Everybody knows how important eyebrows are to the harmony of a face, and let’s not ignore how trendy eyebrows have become recently. A good set of eyebrows will set you apart from the rest and will give you a stunning facial feature that will be the first thing anyone sees when they first look at you.

5. It can last up to 3 years

Buddhist philosophy is that nothing is forever and that is very much true, especially when referring to microblading. Yes, we just used Buddhism to explain microblading, but roll with it. We have explained several times that microblading is NOT permanent. Its duration varies from person to person and in the best of cases can last up to 3 years. The benefit of that impermanence is that you can choose not to get it redone if you want to go back to what you liked before you got microblading, although, truth be told, we don’t think you will! <3

6. No upkeep

This is probably one of the best things about microblading. Once you get the procedure, and you go through the healing process, you can virtually forget about it and continue your life as you would have without it. Microblading will not smudge or smear off. You can go to saunas, swim, work out, wipe your eyebrows time and time again, you don’t have to worry.

7. Your eyebrows are not going to turn red or gray

You’ve probably seen someone around with red eyebrows and wondered what the heck went wrong. No need to worry, yours won’t do that. The color change is due to a certain type of ink used, which is not often used for microblading. Microblading pigments are organic and specifically designed to not change in color, but to just wear off with time.

8. It doesn’t hurt

If you’re afraid of needles, you don’t have to worry at all about microblading. Standard procedure is to use numbing topical ointments instead of local anesthesia, so you won’t ever be injected with a responsible esthetician. The ointments work wonders and you really shouldn’t feel any pain. Some people feel so relaxed they even fall asleep!

9. It’s safe

Microblading is very safe, when performed by a licensed and professional esthetician. Sure, there are some risks to any procedure, but they are minimal when compared to all the benefits!

10. New eyebrows in just under 2 hours

We were doing the math of how much you will save with microblading, and because time is money, you’ll save even more. The procedure is only about 1.5 – 2 hours long and you get to sport your new eyebrows right away!

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